Issue Position: Community

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

Representing Our Community and Its Values
Judy knows that our community has different concerns and different needs than those in other parts of the state. As our State Representative, she will stand up to represent our values and our local communities.

Listening to Us
Judy knows that to be a good representative you need to listen to the people. She'll make sure she does. As Representative, Judy will work with community and civic groups, local elected officials, our schools and parents, churches, and more to learn about our concerns and ideas. Most importantly, she will hold "Neighborhood Roundtables" and "Tele-Town Hall Meeetings" to give every resident the opportunity to have their voice heard.
Fighting for Neighborhood Needs
Whether it's working to preserve the natural heritage of our farming community or helping a local fire company secure grants for much-needed equipment, Judy will always work in Harrisburg to represent the unique needs and concerns of our Blair County communities.
A Strong Conservative
Judy is pro-life and will work to ensure that Pennsylvania's Abortion Control Law is never weakened. She is also a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment who comes from a family of hunters and gun enthusiasts. Judy understands that responsible gun owners are not the problem, criminals are.
